Everywhere I look today, everyone is telling me how important it is that I vote. I’ve written before why I am boycotting the vote this election. The fact is that regardless of where you live or who you support, as a practical matter, your vote makes very little difference. However, just because I am opposed to voting, does not mean that I’ve given up. There are many worthwhile charitable and for-profit organizations that you can support instead of wasting your time and money on elections. While improving the world is a worthy goal, it is even more important to invest in yourself. Your life is the only one under your control, and setting an example for others is one of the best way to create positive change. Don’t get distracted by politics – no matter who you vote for, it will only leave you distracted, disillusioned and feeling more powerless than ever. You can act right now to improve your life in a million small…
Source: Inoreader Tagged